I was so thrilled to learn that Miss Smithers has been chosen as a finalist for the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour that words failed me and I was forced to draw a picture. A sunshine sketch, as a matter of fact.
If you are one of those people who looks closely at sunshine sketches, you might ask yourself — is that a little person or another piece of median/brownish rectangle-y thing, in the foreground? Way to notice, gentle reader! That odd little figure in the foreground is the statue of a man blowing an alpenhorn that stands at the entrance to Smithers’ charmingly cobbled Main Street. That’s right, an alpenhorn, not a giant golf club, cricket bat, hockey stick or sporting utensil of any kind. An alpenhorn. Every town should have one. If you are at all civic-minded, you may want to approach your Chamber of Commerce about having one installed. I’m just saying…