Don’t forget to enter the Fashion 18 contest to win an IPod shuffle programmed by Alice! (Okay, programmed by me, as directed by Alice.) Sweet tunes: not to be missed.
Oh, and since we’re on the topic of contests, last night I played tennis for the first time since Grade 9. Move over current women’s tennis champ, here I come! (Is the current tennis champ that girl People Magazine always shows frenching with her boyfriend? I figure that in another few days I should probably be able to beat her, since she can’t have much time to practise, what with her rigorous making out schedule and all.)
I admit that it’s possible that my brothers were taking it easy on me. But I do detect glimmers of hidden tennis talent in myself. Sure, most of my athletic glimmers turn out to be light bouncing off my unused runners, but I remain convinced that some are real.
Today: Hazelton Library!