Okay, for those of you looking for updates on the TV show, here’s the latest news.
There is a casting call taking place now in Vancouver. The next one starts on Tuesday in Toronto. Then there will be a call in Halifax. I can’t confirm yet whether they will be doing a call in the northern interior, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed. (The fingers that aren’t busy typing away on the new book).
As for the title of the show, it’s been decided on. The title will be Alice, I think. I think.
I hope to have final info. about the casting process soon and I’ll put it up here as soon as I can.
Thanks to everyone who came out to a reading or a signing and suffered through my personal tales of defeat and humiliation, punctuated by intermittent bouts of tiny triumph. You are to be congratulated on your strong stomachs.
In other news, I’m addicted to The Shield, the first three seasons of which just came out on DVD. Michael Chiklis’s cry that he’s “handling it” reminds me of myself making yorkshire puddings in times of peak stress (i.e. so it’s ready to be served when the roast is carved.) We both know we have no control over the situation whatsoever. A roast beef dinner and life as a cop in Farmington are exercises in chaos and bad language. Only some of us have hair we have to tie back and some of us are totally bald. I’m just saying…
I hope to have the facts about the casting situation for you soon. In the meantime, the actors among you should get in touch with your inner Alice by going out and having lots of embarrassing moments.