Your Queen Has Arrived!
About what I said last time about actors having big heads and small bodies: That was wrong. They are, at least the ones on Alice, I Think, the television series, perfectly proportioned. They are also highly skilled and professional. This is in stark contrast to yours truly, who is an utter dork.
The first thing I noticed on the set of the show is that everyone associated with the production was very attractive. Not just the actors — although they are all noticeably fine to look at, which is is probably why they’re actors — but everyone. Producers, assistants, camera people, writers, carpenters and that guy who rode around on his bike from location to location doing… who knows what he did, but he certainly looked good doing it.
Film and television people aren’t just good-looking. They are also kind of hip. Which made it so much worse when, during my big scene, I stormed off camera, as instructed, and nearly knocked myself out on a giant light. The light wasn’t hidden in any way. I was just so frazzled at all these attractive and cool people watching me that I went blind momentarily.
Not my most shining moment. Felt a lot like high school, actually. Except for the director and crew and hundred or so other people who witnessed the mishap (and heard the hollow thud my head made as it hit the light) were very gracious and solicitous of my health, as opposed to the people from high school, a few of whom might have tripped me as I was on the way down.
Anyway, the cast members I met were amazing. Extremely funny and entertaining to watch. The hair and makeup women were terrifically skilled. The makeup genius even managed to disguise my blemishes, no small feat since my skin chose the day of my cameo to have its worst break-out since 1986.
Grant, the production designer, and his team have created the most amazing sets. The house they’ve built for the MacLeod’s is a masterpiece. It’s hippie without being in any way dippy. When my ship comes in I want to live in a house exactly like it.
To top it all off, the producers gave me the greatest present ever: a pair of genuine moon boots! They had to order them from Italy, which is where all the moon boots apparently emigrated after 1975. Who knew!
Following is a photo album. I will write more about my trip to set later, but right now I just need to spend some time with my moon boots.
P.S. On a more serious note, Meg Cabot has written an incredibly powerful account of being in New York on 9/11 to mark the anniversary of that horrible day four years ago. It’s essential reading.
Taming the hair of Customer #2
Wardrobe of Customer #2 (that’s me)
Stairs to Alice’s bedroom: Lucky girl!
More cupboards… The MacLeod’s have a lot of stuff!