before Christmas
Tasks achieved: none.
* In answer to your letters of protest, I admit that icicle lights aren’t really passe. I just said that so I could justify buying new, multi-coloured, single-strand LEDs. That’s how the consumer mind works, babe. Ask any advertiser.
** And for those anxiously waiting to find out whether wearing shorts instead of track pants assisted me in my efforts to become a faster, more accurate and deadly boxer/kick boxer, they did not. I think my legs may need the support provided by legging material. At the last class, I was barely able to lift my legs above ankle level. Also, they didn’t seem to want to make any swinging motions required for round kicks. What I produced were really more like square kicks or maybe triangular kicks. It was as though my legs were tethered to the ground by elastic bands. The instructor was not made giddy with excitement at my prowess. He didn’t immediately get on the horn to Don King and say he had the next marquis fighter right there at North Ridge fitness centre. Pity. Those shorts weren’t cheap.