According to headlines today, a Conservative victory is a sure thing. I’m sure some of the readers of this blog are Conservatives and some readers are undecided. If that’s the case, please take a moment to consider that Stephen Harper is opposed to the Kyoto Accord and plans to either scrap it or scale back Canada’s commitment to meeting the timetables set out in it.
I’m rapidly turning into a single issue voter. I believe that climate change is the single biggest issue facing every country on this planet. If you do vote Conservative in this election, please consider asking your candidate to keep Canada part of the solution.
And shame on everyone but the Green Party for not making the environment a bigger part of the discussion we are having about the future of this country. Politicians assume that voters are too selfish and incapable of long-term planning to care about the environment. That may be true of some, but it’s certainly not true of all of us.
There will be no economy without a healthy environment. If you think that’s extreme, take a look at New Orleans.
From The Virginia Daily Press, January 15
Doubt the science? Don’t. Based on worldwide temperature data and other observations, Tim Barnett of the University of California’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography sums up: “The debate is over, at least for rational people. And for those who insist that the uncertainties remain too great, their argument is no longer tenable. We’ve nailed it.
Among those who must be counted among the not-rational, immobilized by denial: the Bush administration, which ignores the evidence of science and remains in the thrall of the oil industry – and will not embrace Earth-friendly fuel-efficiency or emissions standards. Congress, likewise, has abdicated.
So it falls to states to deal with this momentous issue. By combining their muscle, they can accomplish a lot. Virginia belongs in this fight.”
–Virginia Daily Press, January 15,0,2591455.story?coll=dp-opinion-editorials
Don’t let Canada join the ranks of the irrational, and the immobilized by denial.
This message was brought to you by a Single Issue Voter. Ahem. Now, back to our regular programming.