Thank god for the CBC! Anna Maria Tremonti just interviewed the environment ministers from the three major parties (with commentary by the Greens). It’s worth listening to:
It was clear that all the environment ministers were concerned and well-intentioned. The issue is whether they have the ear of their respective leaders. I’m going to give this one to the NDP. (And not just because my mom told me I had to.) I don’t believe the conservative plan to work together with the biggest polluters will work and Stephen Harper doesn’t seem clear on the science of environmental warming. I’m not conviced that Paul Martin, acting as Prime Minister or the leader of the opposition, will actually get anything done. Jack’s my bet for keeping the other two on task. (It’s kind of fun using terms like “on task”. I had a moment there where I felt like an Apprenti. Today I may also try and work the phrase “thinking outside the box” into the conversation. Hey, Frank. Come on buddy. You don’t want a biscuit, do you? Why don’t you try THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX?” heh. Yup, that’s good fun.