And now, a shameless plug for Smithers’ Hockeyville bid.
Vote for Alice’s home town!
Alice’s letter of reference:
Dear Deciders,
I am writing this letter in support of Smithers’ bid to become the official Hockeyville. I think it’s quite bighearted of me to help out since everybody laughed at me when I suggested we go for the title of Cheeseville last year. People just thought that was my bad attitude acting up again. I’m a little sinister and everything, but that doesn’t mean that I have no town spirit. I would like to see Smithers become Hockeyville because this town needs a kick in the pants, identity-wise. The Alpenhorn man is not enough anymore. Lots of people don’t even know what he is! I can’t tell you how many out of town visitors ask why there is a statue of a guy smoking a huge pipe at the entrance to Main Street. It leads to a lot of unfortunate jokes. In conclusion, you should make Smithers Hockeyville because everyone here, including my dad and my brother, is mental for hockey. Even my mom, who is a pacifist, likes it. Me, I’m more about curling, but that’s because I’m a bit more fashion-conscious. If Smithers were to become Hockeyville even I might switch over to show my civil pride. Also, if we get to have one of those exhibition games it would be a chance for me to wear this outfit I’ve been saving for a special cold-weather occasion.
Go Smithers Hockeyville!
Alice MacLeod
Smithers, BC