to blog.
Or at least it was. It was also too hot to work out, clean the bathroom, tidy the front hall or ride my horse. It wasn’t too hot to eat chips, swim in the lake, hose off my horse or read books. Thanks be to the gods.
I’ve just learned that Miss Smithers has been nominated for the 2007 Stellar Book Award. Many thanks to the 60 Vancouver area teens who nominated it and congratulations to the other nominees!
I urge the scientifically-minded among you to check out a new blog called The World’s Fair
David Ng, one of the blog’s authors, took my writing course recently. He’s an amazingly versatile writer (follow the links to his McSweeney’s articles) and I’ll be forever grateful to him for introducting me to The Missing Piece and The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein as well as Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems.
Dave has put together a roundup of science-themed books that people found influential when they were young. It’s a list worth looking at. Science Book Roundup
In other news, I’m sad to report that I’m fighting with Felicity. My friend Anicka gave me the first season on DVD a couple of months ago. At first I was tremendously irritated by Felicity. “Felicity!” I said, “Don’t be such an annoying drip! Ben doesn’t like you. Give it up, you stalker. And stop telling the truth all the time! No one wants to hear it.”
But that damned Felicity got her hooks into me. Now I’m two episodes into Season 4. Felicity has been with Noel, she’s been with Ben, she’s been with Noel (but Ben didn’t know), now she’s back with Ben. (She’s also been with Eli, and as far as I’m concerned she should have stayed with him because he was fantastic. She’s also been with some random frat boy, but didn’t count because she’d just done a whole bunch of jello shots.) She’s told the truth a lot but now, in her senior year, she’s beginning to lie and I think it may be too late for her to do that very well. There have been episodes of this show that I’ve LOVED, and episodes that basically consisted of me shouting at the TV: “Felicity! For god’s sake, don’t be such an idiot. Get away from the scissors! You’re going to be the next three seasons growing out that hair!”
I call Anicka two times an episode to complain about what Felicity is doing and to say how much I love Ben and Javier and Megan. I think Anicka will be relieved when I’m through this. I’ve also decided, based on her guest appearances in Season One, that Jennifer Garner has a very youthful face. Like a fetus, almost. Very strange.
What will I do when Felicity and I are finished our tumultuous friendship? I guess that depends on how hot it is.
Happy summer all…