The Infrequently Updated Blog.
Things have been quite busy around these parts and the TIUB has suffered. Apologies. I know there are those of you who check this with the same eagerness and high expectations you bring to older, more established publications such as the New York Times, the Globe and Mail, and the Wall Street Journal. I blame Jayson Blair for the decline in journalistic standards at Out There/TIUB.
But let’s get on with our disorganized and scattered update.
For those of you who wrote and asked why Alice’s hair was back to its pre-MacGee-state in the last episode of Alice, I Think, which aired on the Comedy Network last night, the answer is that I don’t know. Perhaps it was supposed to be the first or second episode and it got bumped for some reason. And no, the fact that you noticed the hair issue doesn’t mean that you should become a continuity editor. It just means you aren’t blind. (At least that’s what they told me at CTV when I wrote in and asked about it. Ha. Just kidding, CTV!)And hair continuity aside, it was a great episode. My all-time favourite arrest scene.
In other Alice news, I’ve recently learned at Carly, who plays Alice on the show, may be joining me at Word on the Street in Vancouver, Sept. 24. I’ll post more details as I get them.
Another important date to mark in your calenders is September 22. I will be introducing Meg Cabot on her second visit to Vancouver Kidsbooks. Don’t miss it: Meg is terrific and she has several great new books out. More details to follow.
Okay, that it for now. If you need a hard news fix between now and the next blog update, I recommend The Times online.
P.S. It took me four days to successfully publish this update. Blogger can be very uncooperative. From now on, I blame Blogger and Jayson Blair for the scarcity of updates.