Sorry for the complete absence of updates (am also sorry for how many times I had to type out the word “absence” before I remembered how to spell it). But as noted earlier the new website (and blog) will be launched any time now. When it’s up, it’ll be Update City around here. Seriously. Not to mention Podcasttown and Youtubeville. will be a multiplatform paradise. Ahem.
Before I go back to my usual mysterious silence, I’d like to congratulate all those who got a new climate accord process started in Bali. And I’d like to thank the Canadian government for finally getting out of the way and allowing an agreement to be put in place. Yeesh. Such leadership.
Oh, and there’s a new season of the best show in THE WORLD available on DVD now. I’m so pumped about this new season of The Wire that I’m too excited to actually watch it, which is lame, I know. I’ve decided that all episodes must be watched in a marathon session with no interruptions except perhaps for refreshments (New York Cheddar Cheese chips) and the odd blog post about how much I love the characters, the writing, the pacing and the themes.
Hope is in the air!
Everywhere I look around!
Sing it!