around here, and interested in balance, I will share with you a somewhat snarky review from the Globe and Mail. Oh well. There’s one less for the Christmas card list.
On the plus side, this fits well with my first podcast, which I hope to post when Getting the Girl comes out at the end of the month. I have interviewed four fabulous writers – Robyn Harding, Art Slade (who, unlike yours truly, got a great review in the Globe today), Meg Cabot and Lauren Mechling — on the always sensitive subject of bad reviews. They were all hilarious and honest. I think you’ll enjoy their thoughts.
As for recovering from this little setback, I’ve found chocolate to have a soothing effect on scratches and small puncture wounds.
Pine Bark
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup butter (Oh YEAH!)
12 oz. organic chocolate
1 stack saltine crackers
Line pan with foil. Boil sugar and butter for 3 minutes. Pour over crackers. Bake 7 minutres at 400 degrees. Cut up chocolate and put on top. Spread as it melts. Let set until cold. Lift foil and break apart.