in welcoming myself back to my blog. I’m at that stage of manuscript preparation in which my left eyelid has begun to twitch uncontrollably.
I owe MANY of you letters and responses to emails. I’m sorry I’ve gotten so behind. Sometimes it seems that the nicer the message I receive, the longer it takes me to respond because I want to be thoughtful etc. I will get back to you and I do appreciate you getting in touch. Sometimes, a well-timed letter is all that keeps me going. Well, that and cupcakes.
If you live in the Nanaimo area, I’d like to invite you to the beautiful Port Theatre on March 5. I will be giving a reading from the novel I’m currently working on. The reading is part of the Random Acts program and it starts at 12:15 p.m. and I will be followed by Shauna Sedola, a singer and guitarist. Admission is free.
I’m going to go hold down my eyelid now.