Okay, so I feel like I need to be put in traction. My ladies club/poker group had a surprise belated birthday party for me last night. The theme was “80s disco”. We danced and we danced hard and now I’m crippled. It happens, especially when one’s head is weighed down by several pounds of hairspray and mousse.
It was very good fun and gave us the opportunity to try our own mass Thriller dance. I’ve been watching a lot of those lately.
The jumpsuits add a certain something to this one…
As the tuxes and wedding dress does to this. I always like to see a bride take the backseat at the dance party.
And Texas style! Notice how there’s always a guy at the front who is really good?
Oh well, if I’m ever going to participate in even the saddest of mass dances, I’m going to need some help in the form of one of the many instructional videos available on Youtube.
This one is my favourite. I think it will be your favourite too.
And since I’m all about the links today, here’s a facebook page I found fascinating, partly because I’m always interested in what image of themselves people want to present. The title of the group — Facebook’s Hottest Teens — will make me seem like an old letch, but it’s really kind of great. Sure, some of the pictures are beefcake/booty. But a lot of them are funny and interesting and creative and in many cases, quite touching. Check it out: facebook’s hottest teens
Okay, I have to go find the Ibuprofen and then get back to work learning my Thriller moves.