Sherm, that young miracle in pants, appears to be hanging onto his lead in his March Madness runoff against To Kill A Mockingbird. I know, incredible!!
Here’s the thing: I’m all out of “cajolies” (words of coaxing encouragement to get people voting, not the other thing that word sounds like).
What to do? What to do? I KNOW! Have a contest! A contest behind the contest, like Survivor, only lazy.
Here’s the idea: You tell me in a sentence or two why people should vote for Sherm in the finals (provided he doesn’t get knocked out of the competition today). The top entries (you can give me more than one) will win one of THESE bad boys:
(Adorable cat not included).
I will post your exhortations on facebook, twitter and my website and you will be famous. Well, you’ll be famous to me.
The new round of voting starts on Monday. Give me something to work with people!
P.S. These shirts are brought to you courtesy of AQ, who went above and beyond to make them happen. I’m totally voting to keep her on the Island.