Woefield is due to hit the shelves in two months. The launch of my first novel specifically for adults (and mature teen readers) is a source of much joy and I want to share some of that feeling with you, gentle and less gentle readers.
If you are interested in winning a copy of Woefield, please send me an email to that effect, with your name and address. There will be no skill-testing question because Woefield is not that kind of book and I’m not that kind of writer. Send emails to: andfurthermore@shaw.ca
I will put all the entries in a hat and get someone who is nearby to pick the winners.
Now, you might be saying to yourself, “Self, winning a book is no biggie. I would rather win the lottery or at least get a free manicure.”
To you I say, “Slow down! You may win more than my (incredibly exciting) new book! The top three winners will receive their copy of the book in the most stylish and distinctive package ever: the inimitable, unforgettable, almost unimaginable HEN BAG!” (The hen bag will make sense after you read the book.)
Take a moment now to imagine yourself strutting around at the local farmer’s market with one of these bad girls hanging from the crook of your arm. Add to the picture by imagining one of these cultural touchstones inside your hen bag:
Sigh. It’s a beautiful sight, yes?
What do I ask of you in return? I hope you’ll read the book and enjoy it. Perhaps you’ll feel moved by the spirit of sustainability to write a nice little review on Amazon.com or Amazon.ca or Goodreads. Or maybe you’ll just run away from home with nothing more a copy of Woefield and a toothbrush in your hen bag, plus a small Ziplock full of radishes for the long bus ride to Madison, Wisconsin. It’s up to you.
Please note that Home to Woefield/The Woefield Poultry Collective contains some strong language and grown up scenes (well, sort of) and is not suitable for younger viewers. At least, it’s not suitable for younger viewers who are carefully supervised. I mean, the book’s not Flowers in the Attic or Wifey or anything, but it’s not intended for little kids. I do not plan to start the publicity efforts by getting myself banned in Texas. Again.
Also, please don’t put the hen bag on your head. Trust me on this.
Finally, if you haven’t sent in an entry for the Rare Birds Gallery (see details below), please do so. We’d love to feature you and your work on the revised website.
Names of the winners will be announced by the end of January.