Warning: tackiness, bribery and self-promotion ahead.
Did you ever want to be a missionary and spread the Good Word to the unenlightened? Yeah. Me neither. Did you ever want to get behind a team and support them by yelling a lot of rubbish and going to tailgate parties and painting your face and maybe your chest with the team colours? Again, me neither, unless it would get me an introduction to Coach Taylor from Friday Night Lights. Ahem.
Have you ever wanted to join forces with some other people in support of some random thing just because it’s fun? Well, here’s your chance. In the spirit of Prudence, Earl, Seth and Sara, also known as the cast of The Woefield Poultry Collective/Home to Woefield, I invite you to join our Woefield Outreach Team. I know: just those words have got you so inspired that you are reaching for the face paint and the flyers. Here are the details before you get ahead of yourself, due to an excess of excitement.
If you have read the book and enjoyed it, we (as I so grandly call myself) would be eternally grateful if you’d consider spreading the word with other readers.
Ways to join the (farm) team, so to speak?
Tell your followers on Twitter that you liked the book. Tell your friends on facebook why they should read it. Let the Amazon review readers know. Blog that Good News! GET A TATTOO! Then tell us about your jaw-dropping feats of persuasion.
At this point, you might be thinking, What do I get out of it? What don’t you get?! First, there’s the good deed element, which is crucial. But more than that, we are giving out Woefield Gold Member Reward Chickens in recognition of outstanding Good Word Spreading!
You could win a low-dollar-value, high-cuteness-quotient tin wind-up chick!
Or a tin wind-up rooster!
Not to mention our handy hen change purses!
And finally, for one grand prize Woefield Good Word Spreader, A FULL-FLEDGED HEN BAG! (This is our equivalent of the pink Cadillac. Please be suitably impressed and note how much of the picture frame she takes up with her wise hen eye.)
And if you don’t win one of these prizes, you’ll still see your name in lights (on the Rare Birds blog, at least) and again, there’s all that gratitude I mentioned earlier. (Okay, even I’m a little ashamed at this point. And I don’t shame easy.)
If you don’t like the book, feel free to disregard this message. Or, to put it more succinctly, no chicks for you.
(Welcome to the world, book. I hope you appreciate what I’ve done for you.)
P.S. Thank you to all those bloggers and Twitter-ers and kind-hearted people who have already (and without prompting or chicken-based incentives) written nice things about the book. Consider yourselves automatic Woefield Gold Members.