I’m excited to announce the dates for my trip to the Kootenays. I’ll be visiting local libraries and reading from already published works and from upcoming titles, including The Republic of Dirt (sequel to the Woefield Poultry Collective, due out in January) and The Truth Commission (due out in March). I hope you can join us and many thanks to the Kootenay Library Federation for the invite.
03-June Grand Forks
03-June Nelson
04-June Nakusp
04-June Kaslo
05-June Fernie
05-June Sparwood
05-June Kimberley
I may or may not have a companion on the tour. This companion looks a bit like a raccoon and acts a lot like a monkey.
Rodeo (Rodie, Roadie, Rhododendron, Mr. Farty, The Tas Man, etc.) has been in residence for about ten days. We are all aging rapidly, especially me. His ears are now standing up. Mine are about to slide off my head due to exhaustion. It’s a good thing puppies are so cute or no one would put up with their shenanigans.
But Roadie the Poopster is way out there on the cute continuum and so I’ve been forced not only to put up with him but to join Instagram to share his every moment of adorability.
If you’d like to be inundated with pictures of our new raccoon herder, find me at susanjubypants. And if he’s halfway settled, he’ll be available for visits in person in June at a library in the Kootenays. Or he’ll be in lock down at home with James learning not to cause chaos a.k.a. causing chaos.