Please do not erupt into spontaneous flames at the shock of seeing a new post on this blog. Yes, it’s a rare occurrence for me to actually update. If you really want to know what’s up in the Jubyverse (did I really just write that? Good lord.), please join me on Facebook. If you want to see me make piss poor use of another social media platform join me on Twitter. And if you’d like to see far too many pictures of our dog, join me on Instagram (susanjubypants).
If you’re interested in why I haven’t updated much this summer, other than bone laziness, I offer the following:
Those are edited manuscripts for two books. Phew, right? I’m exhausted just posting pictures of all that marked up paper.
Here’s another angle on those bad boys.
In case you are wondering, I am aware that my office is an appalling mess. I blame this guy:
Doesn’t he look like a rugged little fellow? It’s an optical illusion. He’s really a snuggle muffin who does not care for hardship of any kind.
Since I’m posting pictures of distractingly cute youngsters, here’s one of my adorable baby niece:
Isn’t she the sweetest? They even let me hold her sometimes!
So, welcome to fall. See you again in a few months. I’ll have more excuses then.
Just kidding. Keep an eye on this blog. As pub dates for Republic of Dirt and The Truth Commission approach there will be all sorts of fascinating activity here. At the very least there will be signs of life.