suggests that asking people to draw mules and suggest costumes for cattle dogs is asking a lot. When I gave away chicken handbags and other poultry paraphernalia for the first Woefield draw I asked only for names. Man, people came out of the woodwork/tiniest cracks in the internet for that one. And I dare say a few who entered just really wanted a hen purse or associated toy. One can understand.
But in this demanding contest to win an ARC of Republic of Dirt I’m getting only the hardcore Woefield fans and people who like mules and cattle dog costumes.
Here are a few samples received thus far:
Most Charming Mule by Carol Anne Shaw
Most Disturbingly Naive Folk Mule by Stephanie, Age 42
Most Not Exactly A Mule But Good Effort Anyway by Jo-Anne Stoltz (This image wouldn’t show up in my post, so I recreated it. With apologies to the artist. I promise not to sell my incredible forgery for millions to unsuspecting Russian oligarch art collectors on the black market.)
There are several others, but I don’t want to show any more at this time in case the rest of you get overwhelmed and don’t enter. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! Send me your mule pic or costume suggestion and an ARC could be yours.
Next I will post some of the suggestions for Rodeo’s Halloween costume.