Republic of Dirt is nearly upon us. Join in the festivities!
Vancouverites are invited to an Incite event in Vancouver, Wednesday, February 25, 7:30 at the Central Library in the Alice MacKay Room. I will be reading from the further adventures of Prudence and Co. Julie Paul will be reading from The Pull of the Moon and Marguerite Pigeon will be reading from the excellently titled Some Extremely Boring Drives. (Thank you to Vancouver Writers Fest!)
Victoria and surrounding area-dwellers are invited Wednesday, March 4 at 7:30 to magnificent Munro’s Books 1108 Government Street for a book launch.
Nanaimo and mid-island-types are cordially coerced to come to the launch in Nanaimo at Fibber Magees, Saturday, March 7 at 2:00. Expect cheese and a reading. [insert joke here].