I’m thrilled that The Truth Commission will be published in Germany by cbj Verlag this April!
The German title is: The Day We Began To Tell The Truth, which is quite excellent and suitable, I think.
It was a lot of fun trying to translate the catalogue pages as I am tragically unilingual.
I came down on the side of self-aggrandizement any time there was doubt. For instance, my friend Mary and I decided that “Uber” referred to me being VERY Susan Jubyish. That might not be everyone’s idea of high praise but I was willing to take it. Then our server at La Quercia in Vancouver, who spoke about seven languages, informed me that in this context it means: “About”. Well, that’s good too!
Anyway, the cover is very pretty and I’m so pleased to see my work translated into German. If things go well, I may have to study some German so I can read my own catalogue copy. It may be too ambitious at this late stage to aim to read translations of my own work.
If any readers are fluent in German and would like to translate, I’d be happy to find out precisely what the copy says.
Sad side note: I have been yelled at in German by more a few dressage coaches. I understood what they were saying plain as day.