- I will be giving a talk at Vancouver Island University on Friday, September 25 from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. in the VIU Theatre as part of the Arts and Humanities Colloquium series. Please join us if you can. And check out the other presentations coming up in October and November: “A Journey in Jazz: From Inspiration to Performance,” presented by Gregory Bush, professor in the Music department, on Oct. 16; and “Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves: The Contrapuntal Rantings of a Half-Breed Girl,” presented by Allyson Anderson, professor in the First Nations Studies department.
- I have some new author photos and Rodeo is in some of them. The other ones feature the Boomer Lives t-shirt from Marc Maron’s WTF. Marc doesn’t know it, but he’s my online podcast sponsor. When I feel discouraged or lost, his podcast sets me right again. One knows at least some things are right with the world when Marc Maron is at the microphone.
Here are the new author photos. I hope you enjoy the red cords, the cattle dog and the ceramic chicken. I know the red pants make it look a bit like a Christmas card, but so what. Perhaps I’ll Photoshop a picture of James onto the chicken and we’ll send it out in December.
Thanks to Dave Delgado for being lovely to work with. I hardly scrunch up my face at all when Dave’s doing his thing. - I’m editing the new novel and that’s going pretty well. In fact, I’m quite excited about this new book set at or at least near Green Pastures. I love spending time with the characters and that’s a good sign. Wish me luck.
- Because I’m late to every party, I’ve finally gotten onto the meme-making thing. My first memes feature Rodeo.
Okay. Back to revisions. Feel free to let me know if you have any thoughts you’d like Rodeo to share with the Hey Girl world.