Goal: 8-10 p a day until m.s. is finished.
Write one page.
Look up six vaguely related things on internet. Use one fact to complete one sentence.
Write two pages.
Discard three pages.
Twirl in office chair three times.
Furiously write four pages, hitting keys so hard dogs start to look worried.
Feel so satisfied a nap seems in order. Sleep for one hour.
Drag self back to computer. Sit there and lean head back to stare at ceiling. Also for one hour.
Rustle through chaotic jumble of notes. Remember that thing you meant to remember. Forget where in manuscript you meant to make the small adjustment. Be sad you never figured out Scrivener.
Write two pages, adding notes about things you need to look up but dare not lest you never finish writing and the summer ends and you haven’t been outside since you started writing this book and you have scurvy thanks to no sun and only eating Crazy Face candies.
Call or text three people. Be incapable of having conversation.
Hide phone. Read chapter from book on how phones are ruining everyone’s concentration. Finally remember you have pages to write.
Write one more page.
Feel happy and ready to eat all the things there are.
Realize your math is off and you need to write one more page.
Do so, painfully.
Make notes for next day’s writing.
Go sit on deck and feel virtuous. Take another nap. On your face.