Thanks to Publishers Weekly for the kind review of Republic of Dirt. Not only is the review funny in its own right, it ends by calling the book “a joyful, moving return to Woefield.” Can’t ask for more than that! P.S. If you are addicted to this unbelievably exciting blog and website, please note that […]
Photographic Evidence of Launches
Thank you to everyone who came out to the launches in Victoria and Nanaimo. And a special thank you to Jessica, who was a wonderful and warm host at Munro’s Books, and the rest of the staff there. It was great to see fellow writers and funny folks, Carole Ann Shaw, Kristine Paton, Kimberley Flaversham […]
I’m thrilled that The Truth Commission will be published in Germany by cbj Verlag this April! The German title is: The Day We Began To Tell The Truth, which is quite excellent and suitable, I think. It was a lot of fun trying to translate the catalogue pages as I am tragically unilingual. I came […]
Extra Reading (Not for Credit)
I’ve been going on and on again. Here are some links if you’re interested. On Writing Sequels at The Savvy Reader. On How Social Media is Destroying My Life and Making Me Eat Too Much at HCC Frenzy. A Q&A in the Globe Books section. Magic 8 Questionnaire at CBC Writes. Whew.
A giant and heartfelt thank you to the independent bookstores!
It seems that Republic of Dirt came in as the #2 bestselling new release in Canada at the indies and the #1 fiction new release. I cannot overstate how much I appreciate the support of our independent booksellers. Oh hell, I appreciate everyone who sells, buys and reads books. In other news, I wrote a […]